Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WebAii 1.0 Released!!

We are happy to announce the release of WebAii 1.0.

The most significant change between RC2 and WebAii 1.0 is the update in documentation and samples. Each sample solution that ships with WebAii now has over 80 unit tests that demonstrate the power of WebAii. If you are a current user of WebAii, we appreciate your feedback through out the beta and RC periods. You helped us provide a solid 1.0!!

WebAii is currently being adopted by many customers including some of the most noted UI component providers like Infragistics, Inc, Autodesk, Inc as well as well known websites like, and much more!! We are planning to have some case studies available on our website soon.

So What's Next?

  • Automation Designer\Recorder: This is being polished for a public beta early next year. We are currently conducting a set of preview demos with customers that expressed interest in the designer. If you are currently using WebAii and are interested in a designer\recorder, please do contact us at We can setup a demo for you to give us your direct feedback. We are pretty confident that the feature set we built in the recorder will impress you!
  • Silverlight Automation Technology Preview: We plan to provide a WebAii version to preview the automation support we have built for Silverlight! Our goal is seamless automation across HTML and Silverlight within one test case.
  • WebAii VNext: We are prioritizing the current wish list to start working on for V1.*
  • WebSite: A new website look is coming soon....

ArtOfTest, Inc.